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- BlogDear Reader: Welcome to my very first blog! This blog represents the next step of faith in a journey I never could have imagined ten years ago, a path full of unexpected turns, rich discoveries and shared connections—personal connections to some of you who might be reading at this very moment, as well as a larger sense of shared practice, kinship, and brotherhood with many of you whom I will never meet. What I now call “Touch Practice” began as an effort to explore and heal my own body. I thought of it as something I created, something invented or made up, just for me. I slowly realized that while it was profoundly healing for me, it also seemed to have tremendous benefit for others, and so it became something for “we” rather than something just for “me.” I began to think of Touch Practice as a form of partnership. Next, I understood that something I imagined I had created or invented myself actually existed before I found it—Touch Practice is more accurately something I discovered, something I became aware of rather than creating. I came to understand that this aspect of touch has probably existed in an infinite variety…
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Checkout Time: Touch Practice and Dissociation
One of the wonderful things that can happen during a Touch Practice session is that the person I am working with becomes so comfortable and relaxed, he drifts off to sleep and naps while I hold him. Sometimes it is actual sleep, complete with purring, …
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Old Enough to Be Your Dad
5Those of you familiar with my story know that Touch Practice began as a kind of “hobby” for me, a personal indulgence. It did not begin with the name it has now; instead, I and a few close friends kept referring to it as “my hugging …
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News from the World of Touch Practice
I realize it has been a while since I’ve blogged. Sometimes blogging comes in seasons for me and needs some “down time” to let the garden regenerate. I don’t know that I’m ready to start writing regular weekly articles again, but I did want to …
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Our Next Workshop
There has been quite a flurry of communication about our next workshop—a workshop intended for experienced practitioners—and much of that discussion has centered on the issue of naked practice. It is a conversation that has caused me to wrestle, intellectually, and given me reason to …
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Sticks and Stones
“What other people think of you is none of your business.” In the course of carrying Touch Practice, I have been made into a hero, and I have been made into a villain. In the first category, some have attributed almost guru-like qualities to me, …
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The Teacher is in the Room!
When I was younger, I had a type of cancer that very few people survive. The diagnosis felt like a huge problem at the time, and I suppose it was. Ultimately I survived, but not before really giving serious thought to dying, and to understanding …
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So, is it naked or not?
A FASCINATING conversation has come up this week in corresponding with a number of readers, as well as workshop organizers in several cities, about Touch Practice. The basic essence of that conversation is: “so, you’re sending a double message. Is it naked or is it …
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That was great! Can we have sex now?
It does not happen often anymore, but it does still happen from time to time that I will finish a session with someone, go through the closing process (which is a bit like the shavasana period in yoga) and conclude our practice. Then, despite all …
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With Thanksgiving
This Thanksgiving weekend, I thought I would take a moment for gratitude, to give thanks for the many people and events who have moved me forward in Touch Practice and helped me find my way. I give thanks for all of those men who answered …
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As far as Touch Practice is concerned, I seem to have entered a period of profound reflection. At least that’s how I would describe it. Then a few weeks ago, one of my practice brothers and friends, a scientist, said, “I think you’re in a …
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